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Sales Department EMAIL US

We Offer The Largest Inventory Of Pro Audio Equipment

Location Sound employee taking care of a sales call

The Location Sound Sales Department, both in-store and throughout this site, offers the deepest inventory and widest product lines used in production sound anywhere! From the simplest component to the most complex systems, you'll find more than what you need to get the job done. Search this site alone for microphones (wired to wireless), digital recorders, walkie talkies, Pelican Cases, audio mixers, preamps, microphone accessories, cables, boom poles, adapters, phone interfaces, powered speakers, batteries, recording media, and more. Over 45 years in the professional audio industry earned us the buying power to meet most of your immediate audio equipment needs. Tap into our million-dollar inventory and avoid the wait for that audio gear you just have to have. If you can't find what you;re looking for, please give us a chance to help you. Reach out via email or call us at (818) 980-9891 or (800) 228-4429 and enter any of our Sales Staff's extensions:


The Professional Audio Advice And Personalized Service You Expect From Experienced Pros

The average tenure of our sales staff is 29 years. That's experience you can count on. And since they do not work on a commission, you can rest assured that their recommendation is unbiased and simply focused on getting you the audio gear you need for your specific recording application. Learn more about the Location Sound Sales Staff…see how working with pro audio sales professionals can make your job easier.

Location. Location. Location.

Our store is located in North Hollywood, California—easy jump off of the 134 Fwy.—where you can check out some of the "audio toys" up-close Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. We offer 24/7 emergency phone support 365 days a year, and pride ourselves on having the best response times in the industry. Audio emergencies can happen anytime…if you need help, give us a call at the numbers shown above and listen to instructions on how to page an on-call employee.

We know you have so many other pro audio companies you can do business with. We thank you for stopping by and hope you'll consider us for your future audio needs.

Copyright 2025 Location Sound Corp.